Friday, July 8, 2011

summa summa summatime

It is now July 8 and I finally feel like summer vacation has started. We had a lot going on throughout May and June including visitors, finals, sickness, a garage sale, a wedding shower, a wedding, two chicago trips and more visitors. It was all really fun, but it kept us very busy. Now that "summer" has started around the Buwalda house, we are ready to relax, have fun, play in the water as much as possible, hang out with friends, and enjoy time together as a family before school starts again in August and time starts speeding by.

Here is a glimpse into some of the fun we had over the last two months:

 Family pictures

 Cory had his 18 month check-up

 Played at the park a lot and wore sunglasses ALOT

 First Tincaps Game

 Hit up some garage sales

 Lots of reading and tests

 Visits from family and playing with iPads

 a family of sickies

 laundry, laundry, laundry

 hiding from tornadoes

Office/Playroom organizing

 Chicago Trip #1

 First trip to the zoo


 Another Tin Caps game

 Cousin Slumber Party

 Garage Sale

 Lots of slide time

 Hard Work

 Welcoming Daddy home after two weeks of training


 Potty-ing (not really)

 Chicago Trip #2

More Cousin Slumber Party-ing