He loves baths
He loves suckers, cookies, tootsie rolls, carrots, popcorn, yogurt, fruit smoothies, and cereal
He loves balloons
He love the vacuum
He loves anything that makes him feel like a "big boy"
He loves to sleep
He lovest to swing
He loves music, dancing and singing
He loves his family
He loves our dog, maggie (even though the feeling is not mutual)
He loves ringing the doorbell
He loves taking walks
He loves riding in the car, but loves it even more when we get where we're going
He loves elmo, barney, blue's clues and backyardigans
He loves all 10 of his stuffed animals plus two blankies that he has to have to go to sleep
He loves riding the train in chicago
He loves playing games on the iPad
He loves wearing glasses
He loves giving hugs and kisses
He doesn't love being told no
He doesn't love peas, green beans, meat, bread
He doesn't love being buckled in his high chair
He doesn't love sharing toys
He doesn't love messes, especially on his hands
He doesn't love when things aren't exactly the way he wants them to be
Some of these things, I'm sure, are true with all kids his age, but the list speaks for itself to say that Cory is a pretty happy guy and he has a lot of joyful things in his life. There are days that he tests my patience, but I wouldn't trade any moment with this kid. He is so sweet, loving, happy, wild and funny. I'm so excited to see the man that he becomes, but more excited to enjoy every second I can with him before that.