Monday, October 25, 2010

now that i'm a mom

How often do new parents hear the phrase, “a baby changes everything”? Well, I will definitely say that becoming a mom has changed me in many ways. Here is a list of just a few…

Now that I’m a mom…

…I plan my day according to nap-time and awake-time

…I look forward to going to the pediatrician’s office for check-ups

…I have a reason to get healthy

…my laundry piles are astronomical

…the word “grandma” has a whole new meaning

…a trip to Target alone feels like a vacation

…I now know what having a “goal weight” means

…I understand the love God has for us in a whole new way

…I will drag my full cart into the family bathroom at Target with no shame (when you gotta go, you gotta go)

…I can pack for a trip and make sure everyone else has what they need while forgetting my own coat

…I love my husband even more than I did before

…it takes me 20 minutes just to leave the house

…my living room is now overcome with primary colors


…I am thankful for date night (if ever and whenever it happens)

…I know what real love is

…I wish every store had a drive-thru

…I don’t love my dog anymore (but I don’t hate her either)

…I will spend my gift-cards on baby clothes instead of my own clothes

…I have to be brave

…I have a new respect for my mom

…I can leave dirty dishes in the sink

…I wish I could cook

…I don’t have time to myself

…I try to soak up every minute with my son

1 comment:

  1. Being a mom is a continual learning experience. I'm so glad you're enjoying every minute. In the blink of an eye, your baby will grow and change.
    I love you -
