Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am currently recovering a 4 day "holiday" from my computer. It was not necessarily a planned or even desired holiday. We moved offices at work, and they needed our computers for the weekend to set things up. To avoid waking up early Saturday morning to bring it in, I left it Friday afternoon and just got it back today. At some point over the weekend, I made the decision to "challenge" myself to go 4 full days without it. I ignored the fact that Kai's laptop was in the drawer downstairs and I stayed unplugged for 4 days. Before you get too impressed or give me too much sympathy, I should share that I did have my iPhone, which is essentially a small computer, but it's just not the same. I don't use my phone for all the things I do on my computer simply because it's easier to type long emails, shop online, write, or do anything with pictures on my computer. So, even though I had my phone, it was still very difficult to go this long without having my computer. I so wish that I could share that I had some sort of wonderful experience to prove that we do not need all the modern technologies that we have today, but I can't. In fact, I realized how much I do NEED (want) my computer. As sad as it is, my life is very reliant on this machine.

At first, the idea of not having my computer around meant that I could tackle some other projects that needed my attention. However, we cleaned the house Friday and finished all the laundry (which never happens), so I couldn't do either of those things. Kai had drill for the weekend, which eliminated any projects and organizing that I needed his help with (taking down Christmas lights) I don't start school until January 31, so I didn't even have homework to do. Coming off of a month so busy that I barely had time to breath, I was shocked that I actually had "nothing to do" during Cory's naps. It was wonderful, but it was also a little uncomfortable for me because I am always busy. I don't know how to not be busy. So, what did I do these 4 days with "nothing to do"? Well, I took some naps, watched lots of TV (probably too much) worked on Cory's baby book (which, sadly, is still not close to being done), and organized some cabinets and drawers that needed attention. I wouldn't say that I was incredibly productive, but I was able to focus on something things around the house that often get ignored when I'm busy with everything else. It was nice to focus on those things, but I am beyond happy to have my computer home again.

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